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来源:西北农林科技大学学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-09-18
摘要:2018年6月5日,著名媒体路透社发布了2018年度《路透社TOP 75亚洲最具创新力大学》榜单。2018年,韩国的KAIST大学(简称KAIST)、日本的东京大学和韩国浦项科技大学(简称POSTECH)分别位列

2018年6月5日,著名媒体路透社发布了2018年度《路透社TOP 75亚洲最具创新力大学》榜单。2018年,韩国的KAIST大学(简称KAIST)、日本的东京大学和韩国浦项科技大学(简称POSTECH)分别位列前三名。


《路透社TOP 75亚洲最具创新力大学》榜单于2016年首次发布,与全球专业信息提供与分析服务领域公司进行合作,依据其专有数据和多指标分析进行排名,例如来自专利检索分析平台Derwent Innovation的专利申请数量和学术论文引文数据。该榜单旨在列出亚洲在推动科学进步、发明新技术以及新兴市场和行业发展方面卓有成效的教育机构。

June 05, 2018,Reuters published the annual Reuters ranking of Asia Pacific’s Most Innovative Universities for 2018,in the ranking, KAIST,University of Tokyo and POSTECH top the Reuters 2018 ranking of Asia Pacific’s Most Innovative in partnership with a global data company,which providing trusted insights and analytics, the ranking is based on empirical data including patent filings from Derwent Innovation and research paper citations from the Web of Science. The Asia Pacific ranking aims to identify and rank the educational institutions in the region doing the most to advance science,invent new technologies, and power new markets and industries.





The most innovative university in the region, for the third consecutive year, is South Korea’s KAIST. Formerly known as the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, it is the nation’s oldest research-oriented science and engineering university,with campuses in Daejeon, Seoul and Busan. Recent KAIST research highlights include the development of a highly durable platinum-based fuel cell catalyst that removes particulate matter from the air while it is in operation, an innovation that could lead to more efficient electric vehicles that reduce pollution when once again earned its firstplace rank among the APAC’s most innovative universities by producing a high volume of influential researchers submit more patents than any other university on the list,and those patents are frequently cited by outside researchers in their own patents and papers.

2018年度《路透社TOP75亚洲最具创新力大学》榜单数据来源:路透社排名 学校国家1韩国科学技术院Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology South Korea 2东京大学University of Tokyo Japan 3浦项工科大学Pohang University of Science & Technology (POSTECH)South Korea 4首尔大学Seoul National University South Korea 5清华大学Tsinghua University China 6大阪大学Osaka Universit Japan 7京都大学Kyoto University Japan 8成均馆大学Sungkyunkwan University South Korea 9日本东北大学Tohoku University Japan 10新加坡国立大学National University of Singapor Singapore


Japan’s University of Tokyo takes the runner-up spot, moving up one rank from 2017. Korea’s POSTECH takes third, also moving up one, and Seoul National University comes in fourth after dropping two. Tsinghua University (#5) is the highest-ranked university in China, up one from last year. Osaka University (#6), Kyoto University (#7), Sungkyunkwan University (#8), Tohoku University(#9) and the National University of Singapore (#10) round out the top 10.


Only three new universities appear on the list this year, all of them based in China∶ The China University of Mining & Technology (#56), Shandong University (#67), and Xiamen University(#74). The region exhibits a remarkable consistency, unlike Europe and North America∶In contrast, Reuters’2018 ranking of Europe's Most Innovative Universities featured 15 new entries.

文章来源:《西北农林科技大学学报》 网址: http://www.xbnlkjdxxb.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0918/379.html


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